Co-Located Services
Dental Therapy
The facilities of Roseworth Primary School include a Dental Therapy Centre which is located in the Stoke Court entrance to the school. The Clinic is positioned in the same block as the early childhood program and in this way our younger students get to experience in a very positive way, the operations of the Clinic. The northern windows of the clinic face the early childhood playground and our kindergarten and pre-primary students can be seen on a daily basis watching the dental show put on by our caring and friendly dental team. The Dental Therapy Centre is an important step in the school’s desire to provide a service to the school and wider community that recognizes the well-being of the whole child. There is a strong link to dental hygiene and the overall health and well-being of our students and we are pleased to see the way in which this service has become an integral part of the school’s operations.
The Roseworth Dental Therapy Centre provides a free service to children enrolled in Pre-Primary to Year 11 (until the age of 17). The Roseworth Dental Therapy Centre services four schools and has a student database of just on 2 000 students. This is a most valuable and well attended clinic and offers our students state-of-the-art dental facilities and care. The clinic works close with the school to develop a culture of both proactive and preventative dental care. Funded by the State Department of Health, all treatment offered is free.
Roseworth Primary School is very fortunate to have such a strong working relationship with the staff and management of the Dental Therapy Centre. This relationship provides a supportive and collaborative approach to the delivery of this service and together we encourage and support our students and families to make the most of this wonderful facility. Roseworth Primary School has 100% of its students engaged with the Roseworth Dental Therapy Centre which is a wonderful endorsement of the program. The partnership between the school and the Dental Therapy Centre has been a most successful one and sets a strong foundation for a long term positive change in the oral hygiene of our students.
Roseworth Dental Therapy Centre – 9342 4657
For further information on Dental Health Services click on the image above.
The Child and Parent Centre –Roseworth is located on site at Roseworth Primary School and this is providing unique opportunities for engagement of local families and the opportunity for collaboration in delivery of programs.
The centre provides a safe space for families to meet for Drop in and Play, Friday Healthy Lunch, an opportunity to either donate or utilise household goods and services and food donations. Whilst families from across the community are welcome, families from Roseworth utilise these services as they drop off and collect children.
The Child and Parent Centre – Roseworth and the school are working together to provide playgroups at the school. This has resulted in more families utilising the Centre and other services.