School Board
An advantage of being an Independent Public School is that Roseworth Primary School established a School Board that is representative of the whole school community including staff, parents and school partners. Our school has a special relationship with Edith Cowan University, The Fogarty Foundation and The Smith Family. It was important for our school to further promote these relationships by offering positions on the Board.
The Board supports the school in many ways, providing the expertise of its diverse membership to create and foster exciting opportunities for the school.
The School Board is playing a major role in the accountability of Roseworth Primary School and represents the values and aspirations of our school community. Through the strong leadership and support of the Board, our school is enhancing the educational opportunities of our students. The Board also assists and supports staff and parents to strive for the very best for our school.
Functions of the Board
The functions of the Board are as provided in Section 128 of the School Education Act 1999 and include:
- A focus on improving learning outcomes for all students
- A shared vision and a plan reflecting the broad values of the school community
- Active involvement in endorsing the School’s Delivery and Performance Agreement, Budget, Business Plan and Annual Report
- Monitoring progress towards the achievement of goals
- Promoting meaningful parent and community participation and actively seeking the views of its school community
- Determining student codes of conduct
- Determining the student dress code
- Deciding on issues related to charges and contributions, extra cost options, advertising and sponsorship.
- An advocacy role to enhance the operations of Roseworth Primary School
The Board meets four times per year and one of these meetings is a public meeting to which the school community is invited. The Board also hold workshops for board members to review the success and quality of the programs offered within the school.