Dear parent/carer
I look forward to welcoming our students and all the excitement of day 1 when our school opens on Monday 31 January.
For the safety of our students and staff we are following the latest heath advice and I be sending out a factsheet on our Safe return to school plan to all families on Monday 31/1/2022. This shows how we will work together to keep our students, staff and school community safe.
As you will be aware, public health and social measures are in effect for the Perth, details at This includes the requirement for masks to be worn while indoors at school.
That means teachers and staff in our school will need to wear masks indoors. Primary students are not required to wear a mask, but are encouraged to do so. You might want to let your child know that they will see staff wearing masks, and that teachers may take their mask off when teaching. Our staff will explain to our students the importance of wearing a mask as together we work through this transition. You can choose for your child to wear a mask indoors and that is allowed.
I want to assure you that the health and safety of our students and staff is our top priority and we will continue to follow the latest WA Health advice at
Thank you to all students and parents for your understanding and support during these times.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the school on phone 9338 2540.
Louise Nielsen
Roseworth Primary School
For more information please click the below links